53rd Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting, Tonga
26-30 August 2024.
Important Information
- Photos From the PIFLM53
- Click here to download app
- Delegate Booklet and Detailed Program will be published tomorrow Including payment of Government Housing bookings can be paid at the property on check-in organized by TAMA and Ministry of Tourism
- Information for Airport Immigration Custom
- Things to do in Tonga
- Programme for piflm53
Tapu mo e ‘Afio ‘a e ‘Otua Mafimafi. Tapu mo e ‘Ene ‘Afio Tupou VI, ko e Hau ‘o e ‘Otu Tonga, kae’uma’a ‘a e Ta’ahine Kuini Nanasipau’u . Tapu mo e Tama Pilinisi Kalauni, Tupouto’a-‘Ulukalala kae’uma’a e fale ‘o Ha’a Moheofo. Fakatapu ki he ‘Eiki Nopele ‘a ‘ene ‘Afio, Hou’eiki ‘o e fonua mo Ha’a Matapule; Tangata’i fonua, Fefine’i fonua – pea ki he sola mo e vulangi ‘oku me’a mai mei Tokelau mama’o pea mo e tapa kotoa pe ‘i he Ngaluope – ‘Oku kole ke u hufanga ‘i he Ngaahi Tala Fakatapu kakato ‘o e fonua mo e lotu, kae ‘ata ke u fakahoko atu ‘a e Tala Fatongia mei he Pule’anga Tonga ki hono ‘amanaki teuaki ‘o e Fakataha Fakafeitu’u ‘a e Kau Taki ‘o e Ngaahi Fonua Pasifiki ‘a hono Nimangofulu Ma Tolu, ‘oku ‘amanaki ke fakahoko mai ki Tonga ni ‘i he mahina ko ‘Aokosi ‘o e ta’u ni;
As Chair and host of this year’s 53rd Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting, it gives me great pleasure to extend a warm ‘Malo e lelei’ to my fellow Pacific Leaders and your delegations; Forum Dialogue partners; and all friends of the ‘Pasifiki’ – our Blue Pacific Continent – as you prepare for your journey to ‘where time begins’, in the Kingdom of Tonga, also known as the ‘Friendly Islands’, for PIFLM53. The fakatapu, traditional chant that I opened with a call from our ‘our nation, welcoming you, our people, to our shores and to the place we will meet –in Tonga, the crown jewels of the Pacific, from 26-30 August 2024. As a founding member of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF), the Kingdom of Tonga, remains deeply committed to a united region, guided by our 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent vision for our future. PIFLM53 will ensure that the vision for a region of peace, harmony, security, social inclusion and prosperity, a Transformative Resilient Pasifiki, for our Pacific people to lead free, healthy and productive lives, can only be realized, if we ‘Build a Better Now’ as we embark on our first year of implementation of our region’s 2050 Strategy and year of transformation.
Faka’apa’apa atu
Hon. Hu’akavameiliku (Siaosi Sovaleni)
Chair of the 53rd Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) and Prime Minister of Tonga
Malo e lelei! Warm Pacific Greetings
Tonga’s vision for the 53rd Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meetings is that the Pacific must now move beyond policy deliberation to implementation – to achieve transformation by building better now. Tonga recognises the importance of resilience, which cuts across all 7 thematic areas of the 2050 Strategy.
Latest Updates

‘Ofisi Palemia(Prime Minister’s Office) is the National Coordinator on behalf of the Government of Tonga for the 53rd Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting held in the Kingdom of Tonga, from 26-30 August 2024
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For any further information
- General Enquiries: jcc_secretariat@pmo.gov.to
- Accreditation: accreditation@piflm53.to
- Side Event: sideevent@piflm53.to
- Accommodation: accommodation@piflm53.to
- Media: media@piflm53.to
Phone : (676) 7401353